Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tips for Creating a Great Character Design II

Whether be it for games, comics, animation or merchandise, we cannot ignore the fact that good character designs play an active role in driving the sales of the product in question. While good character designs help to drive sales, great character designs grow companies and even shape the landscape of the creative industry. This is the last of 3 articles dedicated to the topic of creating great character designs and some tips to bear in mind when designing your characters.

Exaggerated Characteristics
As far as possible, exaggerate the characteristics and facial expressions of your character. Exaggerated expressions will allow viewers to better appreciate the character's key qualities and make your character more interesting. If your character is a Hercules sort, give him muscles 5 times that of a body builder.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Choosing A Flash Designer

Although the reason you are reading this article is to find out how to choose the best Macromedia Flash designer to suit your needs, it does no harm to clarify what Macromedia Flash is. The distinguishing factor of Macromedia Flash designs is that they are created using a vector format as opposed to the more common method of using thousands of coloured square dots known as pixels. Whereas pixels require a large file size because the colour and location of each dot must be recorded, vector graphics use mathematical equations to define lines and shapes, resulting in smaller file sizes, faster download times and crisper, more scalable images. End result: your site or banner advertisement looks better and is delivered faster, enabling you to make a vivid impression on potential customers. Research into internet usage has found that web pages have thirty seconds to make an impact, and with Macromedia Flash you can make every second count.

So why doesn't everybody use Macromedia Flash then? Well, the creation of images and animated banners using the Macromedia Flash utility can be extremely tricky and time consuming, although the recent introduction of third-party applications has made it easier to create animated banners using the same file format. Conversely, this democratisation of the market has made sourcing a good designer more difficult as there are now innumerable Flash animators of various experiences and skill levels to consider. This is where the Approved Index, the UK's leading online business to business referral service, proves invaluable, with a list of no more than eight qualified flash design companies on its books for you to contact. This article provides a list of requirements and questions to ask so you that will be able to further narrow down the field and choose the most appropriate Flash website designer for your needs:

Monday, July 15, 2013

Animal Fox Tattoo: Know The Inside Story

One of the remarkable phenomenons observed during recent years involves use of a tattoo for various purposes. For instance, if you are interested in a tattoo because of religious symbolism, you can opt for tattoo crosses. Also, you will find bible tattoo designs that will have strong religious theme. Similarly, use of animal fox tattoo is considered to be age-old. There was a reason why more and more people resorted to having this particular tattoo. It is widely said, by etching an image of a particular animal on your skin, you can increase chances of getting those characteristics imbibed into your personality. Therefore, you can witness other animal tattoo such as serpents, eagles, lions, tigers, falcons and foxes, etc. are in great demand.

Worldwide research scientists believe, though a fox isn't considered to be overtly physically powerful animal, yet this was one of the most sought-after symbols that were in rampant use. Actually, a fox is known to be a cunning and clever animal. History has it, ancient men and tribal men always regarded a fox endowed with higher quality of intelligence.

Among popular animal tattoos fox, it would include, Bat tattoos, Bear tattoos, Buffalo Tattoos/Bison tattoos, Elephant tattoos, Horse tattoos, Lion tattoos (includes Puma, Cougar, Mountain Lion), Cat tattoos (domestic), Deer tattoos, Dog tattoos, (domestic), Leopard tattoos (includes Panther, Cheetah, Jaguar,) Monkey tattoos, Tiger tattoos, Wolf tattoos (includes Coyote, Fox), etc.