Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Warm Up With Animal Prints

Warm up your décor this winter with exotic animal prints. Many décor styles can incorporate animal themes. Animal décor can work well with contemporary décor, as well as ethnic and traditional styles. Let's take a look at how this style can work for you.

Animal themes can be introduced in different ways. You can add animal prints such as different hide designs. A few popular hide designs are leopard skin, tiger stripes, and the most popular zebra prints. You may also choose to add designs with actual animal images. You can find a number of pieces with animals incorporated on them. The most popular animal images found today are monkeys, giraffes, lions, and elephants.

If you are in doubt on where to begin, just start small. Add smaller scale animal items to your existing décor. Throw pillows are a great and rather inexp

Basics of Flash Design and Animation

In a nutshell, Flash design is an animated clip or interactive graphic file created using a program called Adobe Flash. Since it uses vector graphics, the images look clean, clear, and sharp even if the display window is resized. Many site owners incorporate Flash design and animation into their sites to make them more interesting and visually appealing to visitors. It has become a popular part of web design since it can be used in different ways. You can create animated navigation bars and banners, or even make an interactive how-to or tutorial by presenting the step-by-step procedure in Flash.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tips on Selling Character Designs

Have you ever wondered how some cartoon characters became so famous - with hundreds or thousands of merchandise bearing their names and images? Remove the ones with animated series out of the equation since they have a marketing medium - and you still have a handful of characters out there who became famous through the merit of their designs. Examples are Julius the Monkey and Emily the Stange.
This article discusses some tips for creating and selling cartoon characters.

Cute VS Cool
Are your characters cute or cool? Cute characters easily attract the females and the young children markets - two of the largest consumer markets. Character merchandise is often cheaper and more affordable. Therefore profit through sheer volumes of sales can be quite astounding.
Cool characters are more suitable as collectibles, and often cater more to the male market. As they are often more exclusive and expensive, sales volumes are seldom as impressive as cute character merchandise.
In the spirit of games development, decision makers might simply want to pick a design that is most suited for the game concept. But as far as possible, if the game concept so allows, do try to go for cute characters because they stand a higher chance of getting licensed for merchandising.

Character Bible
A character bible is the foundation for every product that would stem from an intellectual property - be it a game, animated series, comic, story book etc. Regardless of the resulting product, everything should refer back to the character bible. This is what the bible is all about - a kind of blueprint for an intellectual property besides being a showcase for the intellectual property.