Different artists have different ideas on how to design your
Anime. Some prefer to write the entire script out before working on
their images. Some prefer to go panel by panel, writing one panel and
then drawing it before working on writing the next one. It is generally
a good idea to start with at least a basic outline. This will help you
ensure that you are pacing well and that you don't leave out key
elements you will later have to go back and add in.
There are
several ideas for inspiration for people who are unsure of how to start
designing their own Anime. One idea is to study art history.
Understanding the dynamics of art before you get started can be a great
tool. Don't just read up on or look at pieces of art that will apply
specifically to your work. Understanding the history of your art and
what came before it can give you a better understanding of the art you
are working on. It can also give you ideas on how to incorporate
different elements into your Anime that you hadn't considered.
different drawing technique books can be a huge help as well. No
matter how good an artist is, there's always room for improvement.
Taking advantage of different drawing exercises can be immensely
rewarding in a number of ways. They will likely force you to think
outside the box by doing exercises on things you aren't used to doing.
Stretching your imagination will help you to be more creative in your
own work. It'll also help you to learn what your strengths and
weaknesses are. Some artists would never know they were particularly
talented in drawing certain action scenes or particular body shapes if
they didn't force themselves to try drawing exercises.
Of course
drawing your Anime is only half of your design. You also want to make
sure you have effective and interesting writing as well. No matter how
good your drawings are or how well you shade your panels, if the story
is uninteresting or written poorly your reader will not be interested.
Study up on writing books to learn proper techniques for creating
tension, pacing and other aspects of writing. You can also go back and
study examples that you particularly like. Reading you favorite Anime
with a more critical eye can be very helpful. Pay attention to the way
the writer worked on their dialog, transitions and other aspects of
their writing. Make a note of the things that did and did not work for
you and plan your own art accordingly.
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